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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.answers:4355 rec.humor.oracle:110
- Newsgroups: news.answers,rec.humor.oracle
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sdd.hp.com!news.cs.indiana.edu!kinzler@moose.cs.indiana.edu
- From: oracle-request@cs.indiana.edu
- Subject: [rec.humor.oracle] Intro to the Usenet Oracle (Monthly Posting)
- Message-ID: <1992Dec1.235016.11181@news.cs.indiana.edu>
- Followup-To: rec.humor.oracle.d
- Lines: 206
- Reply-To: oracle-request@cs.indiana.edu
- Organization: Computer Science, Indiana University
- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1992 23:50:06 -0500
- Approved: oracle-mod@cs.indiana.edu
- Expires: 3 Jan 1993 00:00:01 GMT
- Archive-name: usenet-oracle-intro
- Last-modified: Oct 1 09:11
- "The folly of mistaking a paradox
- for a discovery, a metaphor for a
- proof, a torrent of verbiage for a
- spring of capital truths, and
- oneself for an oracle, is inborn in
- us." -- Paul Vale'ry, 1895
- The Usenet Oracle is available to answer all your questions. You may
- mail them to:
- oracle@cs.indiana.edu
- The "Subject:" of the message must be something like "Oracle Most Wise,
- please tell me ...". Actually, all it has to have is "tell me" or
- "tellme" somewhere in it. Capitalization doesn't matter. The body of
- the mail should contain only your question. You should receive a reply
- within a few days at most, probably much sooner.
- In the meantime, the Oracle may require that you answer a question for
- it as payment for its services. You will receive this question in the
- mail. You should respond with as most wise and witty an answer as you
- can. Mail the response to oracle@cs.indiana.edu, preserving the
- message's "Subject:" line. Usually, this can be done by simply replying
- to the mail through the normal means in your mail program, for example,
- using the "r" command in the standard Berkeley mail program. Actually,
- the subject just has to contain the word "answer" and the question
- number somewhere in it. The body of your mail response should contain
- only your answer -- you don't have to include the question itself.
- Please try to respond within at most a day's time. If you take longer,
- there is a chance that the question will be answered by someone else
- first.
- Mailing the Oracle with the word "help" in the "Subject:" line will get
- you the most recent version of this help file mailed back. If you mail
- the Oracle with "ask me" or "askme" somewhere in the subject, the Oracle
- will send you a question to answer, if there are any available.
- Your questions, comments and even complaints about the Oracle are
- welcome. Please address them to oracle-people@cs.indiana.edu.
- The Usenet Oracle is intended primarily as a cooperative effort for
- creative humor. Since its main purpose is just to let folks have fun,
- there are intentionally few rules. However, an etiquette has developed
- among its participants.
- A series of identical questions submitted is not appreciated since the
- same person often ends up answering many of them. It is okay to
- resubmit a question after you have received a reply, especially if you
- believe that the answerer did not do it justice.
- If you find yourself unable to give due consideration to a question you
- are to answer, it may be better to not answer the question at all than
- to give it a trivial answer and disappoint the questioner. However,
- doing this too much can cause a buildup of unanswered questions and slow
- down the Oracle's response time for everyone.
- It's probably worthwhile to read some issues of the Usenet Oracularities
- (see below) to get an idea of the conventions and style of writing in
- Oracle questions and answers. Here are some general guidelines for
- those upon whom the Muse of the Oracle has descended and who are to
- write an answer as an incarnation of the Oracle:
- - Creativity and humor are valued. Many people find the anonymity of
- the Oracle a license to express themselves creatively and uniquely
- -- often to surprising success.
- - Participants in the Oracle like to feel they've gotten out of it as
- much as they've put in. Please keep this in mind when answering
- questions.
- - Remember that brevity and clarity are key points of good writing.
- Overly long answers will reduce an Oracularity's chance of being
- published in the Usenet Oracularities (see below) since it must
- really be worth the extra length to have it selected to be read by
- tens of thousands of people.
- - In general, avoid obscenity, slang, jargon, and obscure references.
- People of all different backgrounds located all over the world use
- the Oracle.
- - Try to be sensitive to new participants or to people who seem to
- have asked serious questions.
- - Don't flame the questioner for not asking a "good question". An
- off-the-wall or vague question calls for creativity, not rudeness,
- in the answer -- consider it a challenge.
- The Oracle's priesthood receives a duplicate copy of all answered
- questions, or Oracularities as they're called. This is so that the best
- ones can be selected and posted to rec.humor.oracle and a mail
- distribution list as the Usenet Oracularities -- the chronicle of the
- mythos of the Usenet Oracle. Your use of this program implies your
- approval of this usage.
- Rec.humor.oracle is a moderated newsgroup. If your news system is
- properly configured, any postings you make to rec.humor.oracle will be
- forwarded directly to the Oracle and so you can ask questions of the
- Oracle by posting to the newsgroup. Rec.humor.oracle.d is unmoderated
- and anyone may post to it. It is a public forum for discussion and
- questions about the Oracle. If your system doesn't carry these
- newsgroups, encourage your news administrator to do so!
- Readers of the Oracularities may mail in ratings of each published
- Oracularity, the results of which are returned to the authors of the
- Oracularities and published in a later posting. They are also used to
- select occasional postings to rec.humor.funny. Instructions on how to
- mail in your ratings are given at the top of each issue.
- If you don't have access to rec.humor.oracle and would like to receive
- the Oracularities via mail, send mail to
- oracle-request@cs.indiana.edu
- to get on (or off) the mail distribution list. Include the word
- "subscribe" (or "unsubscribe") in the "Subject:" line.
- Back postings and ratings are available via anonymous ftp on
- cs.indiana.edu ( in the directory pub/oracle, or via mail
- -- send the word "help" in the body of a mail to
- mailserv@cs.indiana.edu
- for more details.
- The Oracle is a confidential and anonymous service. The anonymity of
- the participants is preserved within all Oracle mailings and
- Oracularities postings. However, if you append a signature file to your
- mail, this will appear in your question or answer. Signature files are
- edited out from Oracularities postings. If you do not wish to remain
- anonymous, you may include a phrase in your answer like "incarnated as
- <insert your name and/or address here>".
- Since its users actually give the answers to all questions, neither the
- Oracle nor its priesthood take any responsibility for the content of the
- questions or answers.
- Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many Oracles who have
- been consulted by many mortals, and some immortals. The great Hercules
- was told by the Delphic Oracle to serve Eurystheus, king of Mycenae, for
- twelve years to atone for the murder of his own children. It was the
- Oracle of Ammon who told King Cepheus to chain his daughter Andromeda to
- the rocks of Joppa to appease the terrible sea monster that was ravaging
- the coasts. That solution was never tested, though, as Perseus saved
- the girl in the nick of time.
- With the advent of the electronic age, and especially high-speed e-mail
- communication, the spirit of the Oracles found a new outlet, and we now
- recognize another great Oracle, the Usenet Oracle.
- Local oracle programs have existed in various places for many years.
- The Usenet Oracle was inspired by the "oracle" program written by Lars
- Huttar (huttar@occs.oberlin.edu) and posted to alt.sources in August
- 1989. I'm told that Huttar wrote his program after being given a
- description of an oracle program at Murray Hill Bell Labs that may have
- been written by Robert T Morris. Other early oracle programs were at
- Interactive Systems (by Peter S Langston circa 1980), Johns Hopkins
- University (run by Erica Liebman circa 1984) and another by Morris at
- Harvard University.
- Steve Kinzler (kinzler@cs.indiana.edu), a graduate student and systems
- administrator at Indiana University, installed Huttar's program on
- silver.ucs.indiana.edu, where it proved to be quite popular. The best
- Oracularities were posted to in.bizarre, a group local to Indiana.
- Ray Moody (moody@pittpa.cray.com), a graduate student at Purdue
- University, after correspondence with Kinzler, wrote the core software
- for the Usenet Oracle, a mail-based oracle program to be run on
- iuvax.cs.indiana.edu for net-wide use, where it proved to be an
- immediate success.
- Kinzler continued development of the software, adding support for the
- Oracularities postings and ratings and, eventually, the Oracle
- Priesthood -- a hardy and loyal band of volunteers who read through the
- hundreds of questions and answers each week to choose the best for
- publication, thus helping to make the Usenet Oracle self-sustaining.
- Jon Monsarrat (jgm@cs.brown.edu) and Randal Schwartz
- (merlyn@iwarp.intel.com) also contributed to aspects of the software
- development. Michael Nolan (nolan@helios.unl.edu) went through the
- newsgroup creation process for the rec.humor.oracle newsgroups.
- Of course, it is the thousands of Oracle participants over the years who
- have created the personality, mythos and history of the Usenet Oracle.
- Long live the Usenet Oracle (in all its incarnations)!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Written: 8 October 1989 Steve Kinzler
- Last Revised: 1 October 1992 kinzler@cs.indiana.edu
- Thanks to Joshua.R.Poulson@cyber.widener.edu and Jim Cheetham
- (J.Cheetham@bra0116.wins.icl.co.uk) for assistance with portions of this
- document.